Broad spectrum antibiotics

To antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action carry group means tetracycline and chloramphenicol in view of that they possess in the identical way and an influence spectrum. Call their antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action for the reason that they are effective in in destruction not exclusively gram-positive and gram bacteria, but also spirochetes, leptospira, large viruses (a trachoma, psittacosis and others). But despite it they are ineffective or useless in struggle with proteus, pseudomonas aeruginosa a stick, small viruses (a flu, a measles, a poliomyelitis and others), principal views of mushrooms and acid microorganisms.

Trailblazers of this group of means - tetracycline, and it is concrete chlortetracycline which is created in 1945.

Where antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are used?

In certain situations they are absolutely necessary, as if the originator of an illness isn't defined (simply it is impossible to define that has provoked, for example, the meningitis, or a certain kind of a pneumonia), the use of similar preparations, most likely, will be effective. But there is a negative side: these medicines will kill not exclusively the provoker of a pathology, but also useful intestinal bacteria that will be reflected in the form of a dysbacteriosis. From this it is possible to deduce a result - antibiotics of a narrow spectrum (penicillin, oxacillin, erythromycin), are less harmful, rather than preparations of a wide spectrum (ampicillin, cephalexin, gentamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol). However to spend therapy by particularly means of a narrow spectrum to the doctor it is more dangerous, - a bycicle the probability is wrong to define, be not to guessing, and thus to do much harm, instead of to cure.

History of the genetically modified organisms and products
Adverse reactions to antibiotics
Antibiotics and maze