Mirror have forgotten to adjust, and in it it is reflected what the hell. Brains strike. The trunk in any way doesn't want to stand and the more so to go, and aims to accept position "lying under a blanket". What is it? It you were ill. All is simple. Certainly, certainly – very much at the wrong time. Certainly, on work a heap of not made affairs and Napoleonic plans for the weekend. Well, that terrible – simply fast get from a case, count and air the collection of spare handles-legs, hearts livers.
How at you such stock isn't present?! Strange. Well, means, it is necessary to throw all and it is immediately treated. And as to you not process is pleasant, but the result is interesting, we will be treated by rules.
One wise German person has noticed: who is treated under books, once will be bent from a typing error. Certainly, if you have finished medical institute, you can yourselves and cure. Look, what at you it is written to the resume? "The manager on advertizing"? And "doctor-therapist" there it is not written? So don't play the fool, and go to at whom exactly it and is written in the diploma and the resume. After all you don't try to repair favourite Volvo at the dentist. We great masters, we and the diagnosis will put to ourselves, and tablets we will buy, which "from the same have helped the friend". Well also what? You and the friend – different people, and your personal features and as illness course all the same can is correct estimate only the doctor. By the way, about wonderful preparations of" fast reaction, so widely and beautifully advertized everywhere. Don't hope for them. All of them equally stop only symptoms – the reason of unpleasant symptoms is eliminated by absolutely other preparations. So don't swallow and don't drink anything at the slightest pretext. It concerns not only serious warm preparations, and and to banal anesthetizing tablets. Here present: the stomach was ill at you. And you have eaten strong the anesthetizing. The pain has passed, and you easy go to bed. And it was the appendicitis. And now at you a peritonitis – and you have muffled a pain tablets. When you will wake up, to you will have no time anesthetizing – God grant to crawl to phone. And instead of an accurate intriguing scar on your stomach there will be stars and strips as though in you scorched from the automatic machine. And the surgeon here at anything.
The more soon, the I pound more. We don't like itself to protect: weren't in time on Friday – we will live till Monday. And that a summer residence not the business plan isn't made. And here result: much you have dug up and have made, lying on a hospital cot? And could to take simply the bulletin for couple of days. Because today's cold can become tomorrow easily a pneumonia, and the annoying pain in the pit of the stomach which you suppress tablets that didn't prevent to live, will send you on an operational table, having turned back perforated a stomach ulcer.
If to you it is bad – go to the doctor. If to you it is absolutely bad, and go you can't – call the doctor on the house. If the doctor promises to come by all means tomorrow, and you are bent already today – call in paid private clinics, they work at any time.
About one third of all illnesses, "running through" standing, in due course gives serious complications. The received set of illnesses gives in to treatment is worse, money for medicines leaves more, and at times and to make already anything it is impossible – it is possible to regret for own imprudence only. You can have magnificent work – but can't have normally working kidneys and heart because during a flu you just finished the report. The received promotion hardly will console, when you will be braided by rheumatism (it was quinsy from which you have gone to business trip – remember?) nobody offers you will pupate a blanket and to live in bed twenty-four hours straight. The doctor will examine you and will tell, what mode for you is optimum.
Certainly, while cold only has crept in your nose and a throat, honey, a raspberry and hot milk are simply saving. For example, such recipe: a floor of liter of milk, honey, oil creamy and soda on a knife tip to mix, boil and drink the hot. Thus well steamed feet in a hot bath. The remarkable recipe. Small but. The mix of honey, milk, oil and soda can provoke a gastritis attack – if it at you is. And the foot hot bath is counter-indicative to at whom varicose expansion of veins.
And besides, folk remedies help at all anyway. It is impossible will get rid of quinsy, and it is impossible to banish a pneumonia if not to accept antibiotics. And if you were cut, and instead of bactericidal ointment have closed up wound with a plantain – be not surprised, if wound will fester. After all this plantain – you at all haven't washed it. Your grandmother put to you banks? I to me put. Grandmothers adore banks. At a pneumonia and a tuberculosis in no event it is impossible to put banks.
Therefore if you aren't able to use national medical manual – better and don't begin. That seems absolutely harmless, can leave sideways. And if want to combine medicines with folk remedies – consult in the beginning on the doctor. Because some preparations aren't combined with milk, soda and a lemon in any way.
In consciousness of people the doctor is something like Father Frost and the heroic worker in one bottle: at any time will come tearing along through a blizzard and a blizzard, all will listen, all will understand, will dashing open a small suitcase and will get therefrom a magic tablet – all affairs! Ur, doctor Ajbolit! In a reality all in another way. You at the local therapist for today hundred fifteenth. So, the sick-list it to you, by itself, will write out. But can register something such, your chronic sores paternal will become aggravated – about which it has somehow forgotten to take an interest. And still can be such: to that it to you has registered, it is necessary to drink four more preparations, removing by-effects. But whence to it, the simple local therapist, the nobility such details? It here in general on penal servitude – three years on distribution.
Look through your notebook. Here phone of the favourite, "personal" mechanic-sanitary technician, phone of the "personal" shoemaker, the beautician, the manicurist … And where number of the "personal" doctor? Immediately get! Even if you will be ill not with that it treats – he at least will send to worthy trust to the expert.
Doctors speak: it is "free of charge" possible it is treated – it is impossible to recover "free of charge". To pass analyses, medical procedures, to receive free medicines, you should be very expensively insured. And if your policy the most ordinary or it isn't present in general? Then it is necessary to remember that the doctor – too the person, instead of an angel. It repairs your body, in the same way, as the car mechanician repairs your wheelbarrow. You that, begin to wait, what the car mechanician doesn't take money? And the doctor is not obliged to do free of charge that doesn't enter into insurance services. So don't regret money for the necessary analyses and good medicines – and that as though shouldn't be spent more. Have always a special grist "on treatment" - just in case.
Sparkling aspirin which cool bubbles in a glass with water, costs five times more expensively, than banal acetylsalicylic acid. Action that that at another – identical. So for what to pay it is more? For vials? Some expensive "analogs" can besides cause allergic reaction – because not always it is known that enters into their cover and from what doings a filler. Don't know, than it is treated – ask the one who knows. The doctor knows. Not the druggist; the drugstore is all the same shop though both pharmacological, and their most important task – not to cure, and to sell. Therefore the doctor and only the doctor. If the doctor has appointed expensive preparation, don't hesitate and ask, why it is impossible to manage more responsible analog at the price. Medicines – a fertile field for fakes. The untwisted brand – a smart bait for sorcerers-underground workers. So, if you don't want, that on you for your blood have palmed off painted a chalk – forget to think of doubtful chemist's booths. And that guarantees any.
That to you the doctor has appointed, accept according to the instruction: certain quantity of tablets to or after food intakes than to wash down – milk or water, whether it is possible to take alcohol during treatment. It is all very important if you want that the medicine operated with peak efficiency.
Become tempered, drink vitamins, correctly eat and move more. All is simple. New concerning preventive maintenance of diseases the nature hasn't thought up anything. Strong to you of health!
Possible complications caused by antibiotics